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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Jan Kochanowski, Laments, Lament XVIII
Lament XIX → ← Lament XVII

Spis treści

      Jan KochanowskiLamentsLament XVIIItłum. Dorothea Prall

      We are thy thankless children, gracious Lord.
      The good thou dost afford
      Lightly do we employ,
      All careless of the one who giveth joy.
      We heed not him from whom delights do flow.
      Until they fade and go
      We take no thought to render
      That gratitude we owe the bounteous sender.
      Yet keep us in thy care. Let not our pride
      Cause thee, dear God, to hide
      The glory of thy beauty:
      Chasten us till we shall recall our duty.
      Yet punish us as with a father's hand.
      We mites, cannot withstand
      Thine anger; we are snow,
      Thy wrath, the sun that melts us in its glow.
      Make us not perish thus, eternal God,
      From thy too heavy rod.
      Recall that thy disdain
      Alone doth give thy children bitter pain.
      Yet I do know thy mercy doth abound
      While yet the spheres turn round,
      And thou wilt never cast
      Without the man who humbles him at last.
      Though great and many my transgressions are,
      Thy goodness greater far
      Than mine iniquity:
      Lord, manifest thy mercy unto me!

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