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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Jan Kochanowski, Laments, Lament III

Jan Kochanowski

Lament III

tłum. Dorothea Prall

Lament IV → ← Lament II

Spis treści

      Jan KochanowskiLamentsLament IIItłum. Dorothea Prall

      So, thou hast scorned me, my delight and heir;
      Thy father's halls, then, were not broad and fair
      Enough for thee to dwell here longer, sweet.
      True, there was nothing, nothing in them meet
      For thy swift-budding reason, that foretold
      Virtues the future years would yet unfold.
      Thy words, thy archness, every turn and bow —
      How sick at heart without them am I now!
      Nay, little comfort, never more shall I
      Behold thee and thy darling drollery.
      What may I do but only follow on
      Along the path where earlier thou hast gone.
      And at its end do thou, with all thy charms,
      Cast round thy father's neck thy tender arms.