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Znaleziono 2 przypisów.

Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 535–475 BC) — pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, often called „weeping Heraclitus”. [przypis edytorski]

Here again I must refer to some of my other publications, where these matters have been treated in detail, though not from the present point of view. See the three articles published in „Psyche” of October, 1923 (The Psychology of Sex in Primitive Societies); April, 1924 (Psycho-Analysis and Anthropology); and January, 1925 (Complex and Myth in Mother-Right), in which many aspects of sexual psychology, of the fundamental ideas and customs of kinship and relationship, have been described. The two latter articles appear uniform with this work in my Sex and Repression in Savage Society (1926). [przypis autorski]