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Znaleziono 4 przypisów.

For an account and analysis of abuse and obscene expressions, cf. op. cit., Sex and Repression in Savage Society or the writer's article in „Psyche”, v. 3, 1925. [przypis autorski]

For an ampler account of this subject, see the writer's article on Complex and Myth in Mother-right, „Psyche”, vol. v. No. 3, Jan., 1925; reprinted in op. cit., Sex and Repression in Savage Society, uniform with this work. [przypis autorski]

For further data referring to the social and legal status of the hereditary magician, see Chap. xvii on „Magic”, in Argonauts of the Western Pacific, as well as the descriptions of and sundry references to canoe magic, sailing magic, and haloma magic. Compare also the short account of garden magic in Primitive Economics („Economic Journ.”, 1921); of war magic, in „Man”, 1920 (No. 5 of article); and of fishing magic, in „Man”, 1918 (No. 53 of article). [przypis autorski]

For instance, the tables of circulation of the valuable axe blades, op. cit. pp. 531, 532. [przypis autorski]