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Znaleziono 2 przypisów.

Both statements of Professor Seligman in the Melanesians (p. 89) are in entire agreement with the information I obtained among the Mailu. See „Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Australia”, 1915, pp. 620-629, [przypis autorski]

By „current view”, I mean such as is to be found in text-books and n passing remarks, scattered through economic and ethnological literature. As a matter of fact, Economics is a subject very seldom touched upon either in theoretical works on Ethnology, or in accounts of field-work. I have enlarged n this deficiency in the article on Primitive Economics, published in the „Economic Journal”, March, 1921. The best analysis of the problem of savage economy is to be found, in spite of its many shortcomings, in K. Bűcher's Industrial Evolution, English Translation, 1901. On primitive trade, however, his views are inadequate. In accordance with his general view that savages have no national economy, he maintains that any spread of goods among natives is achieved by non-economic means, such as robbery, tributes and gifts. The information contained in the present volume is incompatible with Bucher's views, nor could he have maintained them, had he been acquainted with Barton's description of the Hiri (contained in Seligman's Melanesians.) A summary of the research done on Primitive Economics, showing ncidentally, how little real, sound work has been accomplished, will be found in Pater W. Kopper's Die Ethnologische Wirtschaftsforschung in „Anthropos”, X XI, 1915–16, pp. 611–651, and 971–1079. The article is very useful, here the author summarises the views of others. [przypis autorski]