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Znaleziono 11 przypisów.

See article by the Author on the Baloma, spirits of the dead in the Trobriand Islands, J. A. I., 1917. [przypis autorski]

See C. G. Seligman, The Melanesians of British New Guinea, Cambridge, 1910. [przypis autorski]

See Table in the Introduction, and also Chapters XVI and XX. [przypis autorski]

See the Author's article, Baloma, Spirits of the Dead, Part VII, J. R. A. I., 1917, where this statement has been substantiated with abundant vidence. Further information obtained during another expedition to the Trobriands, established by an additional wealth of detail the complete ignorance f physiological fatherhood. [przypis autorski]

See the Author's article Baloma, Spirits of the Dead, quoted above. [przypis autorski]

See the Author's Memoir in the „Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Australia”. The Natives of Mailu, pp. 580-588. [przypis autorski]

See the Author's Memoir, The Natives of Mailu in „Transactions of the R. Society of S. Australia” for 1915, p. 598. [przypis autorski]

Steinmetz, Ethnologiscke Studien zur ersten Entwichelung der Strafe, 1894; Durkheim in L'Année Sociologique, i. pp. 353 sqq.; Mauss in Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 1897. [przypis autorski]