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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Jan Kochanowski, Laments, Lament X
Lament XI → ← Lament IX

Spis treści

      Jan KochanowskiLamentsLament Xtłum. Dorothea Prall

      My dear delight, my Ursula, and where
      Art thou departed, to what land, what sphere?
      High o'er the heavens wert thou borne, to stand
      One little cherub midst the cherub band?
      Or dost thou laugh in Paradise, or now
      Upon the Islands of the Blest art thou?
      Or in his ferry o'er the gloomy water
      Does Charon[1] bear thee onward, little daughter?
      And having drunken of forgetfulness
      Art thou unwitting of my sore distress?
      Or, casting off thy human, maiden veil,
      Art thou enfeathered in some nightingale?
      Or in grim Purgatory must thou stay
      Until some tiniest stain be washed away?
      Or hast returned again to where thou wert
      Ere thou wast born to bring me heavy hurt?
      Where'er thou art, ah! pity, comfort me;
      And if not in thine own entirety,
      Yet come before mine eyes a moment's space
      In some sweet dream that shadoweth thy grace.



      Charon — a figure from Greek mythology who ferried the souls of the dead to the underworld. [przypis edytorski]
